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CEE investments flourish, the region outgrows Europe

(Cover image: lots of flowers by threemails - licensed by Creative Commons CC BY-ND 2.0)

Below you can read Neil Buckley's article published in the Financial Times on May 8, 2018, about the excellent investment climate in Central and Eastern Europe.

The article refers to exactly the countries in WHINNS's footprint by saying: “core” countries in the region such as Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania are “growing faster than any region in the world with the exception of Asia Pacific”.

The article alludes to the highly-skilled workforce and the obvious competitiveness of the region's wage-costs.

According to the article: "Political risk has, however, re-emerged"; and while there have been issues indeed in the telecommunications, banking and energy sectors, according to our assessment the situation has come to an equilibrium and with the intermediation of local experts - such as WHINNS, utilising our local network - the excellent business opportunities may be exploited in a sustainable way.

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